Thursday, January 29, 2009
"The Vote Heard Round The World" Will Be On The Stimulus Package
Note: Do not confuse a feeling of helplessness with one of hopelessness. One can be overturned.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-29-09
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Stimulus Package Would Be More Stimulating With A "Designated" Voucher System...And Tax Credits
Note: Only swine would dine on pork presented in the stimulus package. Let's hope they choke on it!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-28-09
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Don't Let The Only Thing Standing Between Guantanamo Detainees And Alcatraz Be Nancy Pelosi
"President Obama's executive orders closing the detention facility at Guantanamo, expanding the coverage of the interrogation practices permitted by the Army Field Manual, and initiating reviews of detention and interrogation policies will ensure that terrorist suspects held by the United States are treated in ways consistent with our laws and our values.
"The President's deliberate and responsible approach will make the American people safer by improving the quality of intelligence, and begin to restore the standing of the United States in the eyes of the world. By addressing these difficult issues quickly and directly, President Obama has served notice that he understands the concerns of military and intelligence professionals that past practices had hurt, rather than advanced, international efforts to combat terrorism."
This is just too delicious to pass up. Republicans who know all too well the major flaws in that penned order have come up with, at first glance, a seemingly mean spirited proposal...yet one with sound logic. Their suggestion is to send the detainees to Pelosi's San Francisco district...WELCOME TO ALCATRAZ! This is sheer genius for several reasons. (1) Take a tour online at the following website: According to the web tour "From the mid 1930's until the mid 1960's, Alcatraz was America 's premier maximum-security prison, the final stop for the nation's most incorrigible inmates." The terrorists we choose not to release certainly fit that description. (2) Revisiting her earlier words,"initiating reviews of detention and interrogation policies will ensure that terrorist suspects held by the United States are treated in ways consistent with our laws and our values." I like it! Who better to keep vigil over the detainees than Nancy Pelosi and the liberals who so want to believe that they have all of the answers. (3.) Cha-ching! It is an isolated area which would require fewer taxpayer dollars to renovate than to build something from scratch. That is unless they are going to go for resort standard bedding and services. (4.) Bill Young (Republican Rep.) suggested that the unreleaseable prisoners could be "put up" in this former military installation/prison. It could once again have a dual function...military space and prison place. Evidently Senator Pelosi was not amused and couldn't find the words fast enough to say, "NO!" Well, I say,"Yes!" These are tough times and everyone is going to have to do their know...not whine. Alcatraz is now a tourist attraction (your words, Ms. Pelosi). Surely national security takes precedence over your "interesting places to visit" catagory. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the location was "very secure". Look, we have 245 remaining detainees left at Guantanamo and in less than a year some of them are going to need a home due to President Obama implementing orders without a plan. If Pelosi thinks President Obama's plan was "brilliant" and "wise" let her house the terrorists in her home state...It'll only be for a year, right?
Note: Leading by example is easier to do when the task is a pleasant one.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-27-09
Monday, January 26, 2009
Gather The Nation's Top Economics Professors To Tutor Washington On Stimulus Package Scenarios
Note: If anyone learns anything that can change their mind in a positive way...they ought to keep learning.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 1-26-09
Saturday, January 24, 2009
President Obama, The GOP Is Listening To Rush Limbaugh...And Your Constituents
Note: America is not a is a people bound together by a constitution which protects us from those who would try to distort or remove our freedoms. If anyone suffers we should all feel the pain. If anyone proves a foe (foreign or domestic) we should unite in our people's defense.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-24-09
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Socialists In Congress Are Using Wealth Redistribution In The Stimulus Package...Excluding Some Whites
Note: Short-term memory (historically) can have long term effects (tragically).
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-23-09
Blog date 01-22-09 correction: Caroline Kennedy had an issue regarding her "nanny" and not her housekeeper.
Caroline Kennedy Did The Right Thing...Now It's Time For The Press To Follow Suit.
Note: Millions hear the call to action...and then they press the snooze button.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-22-09
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Washington Is Replacing Honesty Is The Best Policy With Transparency Is...
Note: No one should be in a hurry to spend money unless it's a sure thing.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-21-09
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm Not Going To Rain On Obama's Parade...Today
Note: "Pencil in" everything on your calendar. Priorities can shift with your conscience.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-20-09
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Congress Needs Constituent Input To Properly Output!
Note: The price of freedom was loss of lives; the loss of freedom could be lack of initiative.
Congressional representatives can be found at the website below:
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-18-09
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Is Don't Ask, Don't Tell To Become Oh, Well?...Or Is It Just Another Diversion?
Edward Bulwer-Lytton quote: THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.
One could only wonder what he would say about the internet.
Note: Most Americans are naive and think that because we are not shooting at each other it means we are not at war. Wake up!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-14-09
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
With Obama's Job Plan Out...Will It Pan Out?
According to Mark Lieberman (senior economist for the FOX Business Network)
"That leaves though the impact on the real economy. While the recession has largely been consumer driven, the types of jobs created by the stimulus plan -- as estimated by Romer and Bernstein -- don’t automatically correct that.
According to their analysis, about 1.1 million of the 3.7 million jobs resulting from the proposal will come in two sectors: retail and leisure-and-hospitality -- the two lowest-paying sectors in the economy, with average weekly earnings of $19,948 (retail) $14,122 (leisure and hospitality). And that isn’t exactly the stuff recoveries are made of." So, I guess I will have to side with the Republicans and Democrats in Congress who are finally starting to "get it". If the numbers don't add up...the plan won't work. President-elect Obama doesn't have to have all of the answers by the swearing in date. He just has to have the right ones when it comes time to implement his decisions.
Note: Determination in haste can lead to fraud and waste.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it.
Zanne Booker 01-13-09
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lloyds TSB Pays $350M To End Investigation...One Which Substantiates Betraying The U.S.
Bank of the Year 4 years running
The UK’s safest bank
Rated Aaa by Moody’s, the highest rating given to any UK high street bank
Most trusted bank for the last 8 years
According to Assistant Attorney General Matthew Friedrich, "For more than 12 years, Lloyds facilitated the anonymous movement of hundreds of millions of dollars from US-sanctioned nations through our financial system." Lloyds removed customer names, bank names, and addresses in order for wire transfers to pass "undetected" through US banks (which had filters in place based on the removed data). The bank forged records so "clients" in Iran, Libya and Sudan could conduct business via US institutions. And conduct they the tune of more than $350m. It is the policy of the US to prohibit countries, businesses, or individuals from accessing our banking system when there is a conflict based on foreign policy or national security. The tentative (probably done-deal) agreement would have Lloyds TSB forfeiting half of the money to the US and half to New York County in return for the Justice Department's recommendation that charges be dismissed in a two year time period. I guess the price of betrayal is close to $350m then...if we are dumb enough to accept it.
Note: If we can't put a price on freedom then we can't put a price on betrayal. Let the charges stand!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-12-09
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Taxpayers Could Become The Permanent Hosts Of Congressional Parasites!
Note: Socialism is the belief that "one size fits all"...Democracy allows us to adjust the seams when something doesn't fit.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-10-09
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Burris Rides Again!
Note: Wisdom evades the greedy.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-08-09
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
They Don't Make Them Like They Used To...But They Could Again
I suggest the U.S. Congress take a walking tour of these hallowed halls to gain inspiration and, perhaps, question their own integrity. Many Americans feel like they don't make politicians like they used to, however, miracles happen.
Note: Every intentionally bad or greed driven decision a politician makes is a betrayal of trust...and an act of treason.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it.
Zanne Booker 01-07-09
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
How To Keep Up With America's Three-Ring Circus
Note: When we get comfortable...we are most vulnerable.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-06-09
Monday, January 5, 2009
"So Help Me God"...An Inauguration Irony
Note: If we don't stand up for what is right...then we will stand down for what is wrong.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-05-09
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Bailout Money Creates A Corporate Food Chain
Let's visit some definitions, shall we? Use them as you see fit.
bailout: a rescue from financial distress
handout: a portion of food, clothing, or money given to or as if to a beggar
cop out: an idiom meaning to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid fulfilling a duty.
Former Miami Herald Editor, Tom Fiedler, who is now dean of Boston University's College of Communication, said, "I truly believe that no democracy can remain healthy without an equally healthy press...Thus it is in democracy's interest to support the press in the same sense that the human being doesn't hesitate to take medicine when his or her health is threatened." To this I say...Physician, heal thyself! The media has been "operating" in a bias-mode for years. To Mr. Fiedler and Representative Nicastro I will offer some advice. Utilize the internet! Publish your paper online to those who have an interest in the local news. You can still charge for services and get revenue from advertisers and readers. Isn't that where we are heading anyway? Additionally, the environmentalists will love you. This bailout money has created a corporate food chain based on the best sales pitch! I hope President-elect Obama is ready for some change...that is about how much money America will have left if we don't stop this madness.
Note: Tightrope walking without a net leaves only gravity to catch one's fall.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 01-02-09