Thursday, December 31, 2009
What Can You Do To Help America?
Note: We need to do everything within our power to help our country remain free.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 1-01-10
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
West Point's Backdrop Couldn't Save Obama's Flop
Note: A wise man's words are well received with or without the accompaniment of eloquence.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 12-01-09
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Afghanistan: McChrystal Struggles To Make Sense Of Obama's Communication Break Down
Note: No one wants to start a war...But someone has to finish it!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 9-30-09
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
'Nuclear Option'...It's Not Just For Country Vs. Country...Right, Senator Reid?
Note: Wisdom dictates a timetable; Foolishness chooses helter-skelter.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 9-22-09
Monday, September 21, 2009
George Stephanopoulos' Obama Interview...And You!
Note: Life should be what you make of it...not what the government doles out.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 9-21-09
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"Trigger Option" Or Bait And Switch?
Note: When an option is forced upon is no longer an option.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 9-09-09
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Note: Washington cannot hear the words of the loudest mime...Get verbal!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 9-09-09
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Note: Let’s get God involved in more government decisions…Start off praying for wisdom.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it?
Zanne Booker 8-29-09
Monday, August 24, 2009
Social Security Freeze...Will Nothing To Live "On" Equate To Nothing To Live "For"?
Note: Only the foolish try to trivialize the deeds of the wise.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 8-24-09
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Help Our Schools Lighten The Recession Depression!
Note: No matter who we've been in the past, let's always make sure we are striving to improve.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 8-22-09
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Obama Calls In "The Bill" To Cajole Health Care Opposers
Note: It is sad to see that the circles our congressional leaders move in can cause them to continually spin.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 08-18-09
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Yard Sale For America Is The First Weekend In October!
Note: People don't mind giving nearly as much when they can choose the recipient.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 8-17-09
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
African Students Feel Sorry For U.S. Students
Note: It is sobering to go to sleep thinking that you have everything and wake up realizing you have nothing.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 08-11-09
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Illegal Workers' Health Care Could Force Your Grandma's Early "Check-Out"...AKA Death
Note: There is nothing more disgraceful as the indifference of the ungrateful.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-30-09
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
BRIC Countries Strike Precarious Pose Holding U.S. Dollars
Note: If America doesn’t pace itself “other nations” will provide us with a pacemaker.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-28-09
Monday, July 27, 2009
Meeting With Obama For Beer? Bring Your Lawyer!
Note: An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of legal headaches.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-27-09
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Driving Down Health Care Costs...With Self & Virtual Diagnosis
Note: Maybe one day health care screeners, forms, and waiting rooms will be a thing of the past...I guess they'll have to go through an evolutionary process.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-23-09
Friday, July 17, 2009
Walter Cronkite: Plumb Line Of Integrity
Note: It is more relaxing to listen to someone we trust deliver an important message. After listening to someone we do not…the verification process is exhausting.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-18-09
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Health Care Reform Bill (Draft) Unveiled In The House
Note: The only reason the government isn’t taxing happiness is because they don’t have a gauge…but I’m sure a blueprint is in the works.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-16-09
Monday, July 13, 2009
Janet Napolitano And The President Review Their Colors...In The Terror Alert System
Note: Sometimes men can talk much about little...and do little about much.
May GOD bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-13-09
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
To write your SENATOR:
May GOD bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-03-09
Note: Sometimes constituents write their congressional representatives and they get a kick out of it…a swift one in the right direction.
May GOD bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-09-09
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Connecticut Firemen's Hottest Battle Won In The Supreme Court!
Note: Justice is the plumbline for the "crooked".
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-02-09
Monday, June 22, 2009
Obama's New Math Is Actually Skew Math
Note: The Constitution has an outlined system of CHECKS AND BALANCES. The President can protest all he wants to…BUT…this so-called “tsar status” is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and the tsars…like it or not…fall under the Executive Branch and are therefore “CHECKABLE”. Just take them to court!
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-23-09
Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews!
Note: If I have to choose sides...I'll pick GOD'S everytime.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-22-09
Please feel free to leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Americans Have A Powerful Ally...If We Will Use Him
Note: God never puts a lock on his door.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-16-09
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Here Is A Thought For Dairy Farmers!
Note: If anyone has an idea to help our ailing economy or businesses...then spill it! WE THE PEOPLE are in this together!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-15-09
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Emperor Obama Has No Clothes
I must first acknowledge the original fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes courtesy of Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen (1837). The premise is that an emperor cared more about his appearance than wisely ruling his realm. Two corrupt individuals promised him the finest clothing in the world, which would be made of a rare cloth, invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not worthy of “his” position. The Emperor and his ministers could not see the cloth either, however, they pretended to…so they would not appear mentally deficient or unworthy. When the “swindlers” returned with the apparel, the ruler paraded through the streets and revealed his new clothes. As the procession continued, the perplexed people “OOHED-and-AAHED” because they too did not want to seem dim-witted. One child called out from the crowd and revealed that the Emperor had “nothing on” and the crowd realized their own error in judgement. The prideful Emperor decided to continue on, even though he realized he was both duped and naked, and the chamberlains continued to carry the robe’s train…which did not exist.
I will have to thank Senator Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia) for some of the material in this blog. He was talking about the Iraq war, however, the similarity of the new Administration and majority Congress…to heed sound judgement…seems uncanny. I will number his quotes, for ease of reference, and put my alterations in red. Notice how easily one can substitute the words with economic issues of today. (1) Those who have dared to expose the nakedness of the Administration’s policies in Iraq--economic policies in the U.S.--have been subjected to scorn..have had our patriotism questioned. (2) The right to ask questions, debate, and dissent is under attack. The drums of war are beaten ever louder in an attempt to drown out those who speak of our predicament in stark terms. (2) SAME SCENARIO TODAY (3) Even in the Senate, our history and tradition of being the world’s greatest deliberative body is being snubbed. This huge spending ill has been rushed through this chamber in just one month. (3) SAME SCENARIO TODAY (4) I cannot stand by and continue to watch our grandchildren become increasingly burdened by the billions that fly out of the Treasury for a war--"economic disasters"-- and a policy based largely on propaganda and prevarication. (5) It is dangerous to manipulate the truth. It is dangerous because once having lied, it is difficult to ever be believed again…this Administration must now attempt to sustain a policy predicated on falsehoods. (5) SAME SCENARIO TODAY (6) But the time has come for the sheep-like political correctness which has cowed members of this Senate to come to an end. The Emperor has no clothes. (6) DITTO! It is time for congressional leaders of both major parties to quit sacrificing our freedoms…and those of future generations...because of party ties. I fear the robe’s train is coming and America is holding on to nothing...I know Congress is.
Note: When a Doppler weather station issues a disaster is heeded. When economic indicators issue disaster warnings...the Obama Administration keeps recalculating. When do we take cover?
Note: Have you ever wondered if the Obama Administration is selling us out?
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-13-09
Friday, June 12, 2009
Note: Every soldier should enter into combat confident that his leaders are on his side.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-12-09
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Part II Of Letterman's Apology...Ahem...To The Palins
LISAB wrote: I regret my comments were offensive to you. Is that an apology? No! If you screw up, say, "I screwed up." Explain that there was no malicious intent -- and mean it! Everyone screws up; no one is expected to be perfect.
Note: Not one person would want to be defined by the dumbest decision they ever made in their life, but rather by the potential they possess to make hundreds of wise ones.
Reiteration: Sometimes people choose to stand their ground and discover too late that it is shakey.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 06-11-09
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
David Letterman's Immaturity Has Him 'Groping' Governor Palin's 14-Year-Old For Humor
Note: Children can be sacrificed in many ways...none of them are good.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 06-10-09
Friday, June 5, 2009
Note: The Constitution is only as steadfast as the people it protects.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-06-09
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
House Republicans Offer Plan To "Stop Rewarding Failure"...With Taxpayer Money
Note: Pettiness and pride can forge the shackles which enslave even our own children.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-04-09
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Fellow Americans...Stop Looking For Leaders And Become One!
(1)Write your congressional representatives (and the White House)... they work for us!
(2)Start talking about it with your neighbors.
(3)Write your newspapers and television stations (local and national) and ask for support...this is better received with a petition of at least 1000 signatures, however, do not discount a "well written" letter from an individual!
(4)Take some of your hard earned could even pool your money...and pay for advertisement space in the newspaper or on television.
(6) Read Herman Cain's website information:
(7) Stop looking for leaders and become one!
How to contact your congressional leaders (House and Senate):
Just because Obama is not ranting like a lunatic and our army is not goose-stepping across the parade field doesn't mean we are not in a world of hurt. So many of us are still stinging from the Bush Administration "irritation" and we are failing to open our eyes to a worse fate before us. If you are one who is still "hiding behind a Bush" then you are going to have to look at America's situation from the eyes of the International community. China has invested heavily in the United States' debt. Now, you do realize that if you are "indebted" to anyone...or any are basically going to have to answer to them...or be influenced by some capacity, right? We cannot let America turn from being an International "SUPER POWER" to being an International "SUPERMARKET"! Basically, we are selling off pieces of our assets (and lives) to investors! During Timothy Geithner's recent visit to China he visited and addressed a University. “Chinese assets are very safe,” Geithner said after his speech at Peking University (where he studied Chinese in the 1980s). The "student audience" laughed!
Michelle Malkin (June 1, 2009): His answer drew loud laughter from his student audience, reflecting scepticism in China about the wisdom of a developing country accumulating a vast stockpile of foreign reserves instead of spending the money to raise living standards at home.
Russian Stanislav Mishin: It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
FOXNEWS (May 20,2009) WASHINGTON -- Republicans on Wednesday abandoned an effort to label their opponents the "Democrat Socialist Party," ending a fight within the GOP ranks that reflected the divide between those who want a more centrist message and those seeking a more aggressive, conservative voice. Supporters of the resolution asking the Democratic Party to change its name instead agreed to accept language urging Democrats to "stop pushing our country towards socialism and government control."
Isn't it like trying to differentiate between Soft Porn and Hard Porn? The "Soft" isn't showing everything and the "Hard" is...either way...the American people are screwed!
Note: Stop looking for leaders and become one!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 6-02-09
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sonia Sotomayor's Judgement Day
Note: When justice fails…injustice prevails.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-28-09
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
America Needs To Be Worthy Of The Sacrifices Our Service Men And Women Are Making!
Note: Warriors who leave for a noble cause need to have it validated upon their return.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-26-09
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Liberals May Appreciate Gun-Rights Expansion If Gitmo Detainees Arrive On U.S. Soil
Now, I know that liberals are terribly frustrated with the White House and Congress because they just can’t seem to make Gitmo close or keep gun-rights from expanding. Darn it…Washington is Democrat country! "We'll probably end up passing more gun bills than we did during the Republican administration," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y. "That is what surprises me." Well, don’t feel so bad, because if America is forced to receive any of the Guantanamo detainees you just might rest a little easier at night knowing Americans still have gun-rights! Some accuse President Obama and his cronies of being asleep at the wheel while Republicans raised fears about terrorist relocation in our backyard. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want them on her turf either…even though she has the perfect facility for them…Alcatraz! -See my blog 1-27-09- America is a big place and protection is a daunting task…even for the Federal government. Why is it the founding fathers knew it, addressed it, and “penned it”…in the Constitution (Amendment II)…and the current leaders know it, address it, and dismiss it? Americans have a tendency to put even the most horrific events in their short-term memory. Unfortunately, national security is a long-term issue!
Note: If we don't take our freedoms seriously...our freedoms will be taken permanently.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-24-09
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
Note: Few wake up with a plan to be a hero; most start off with a plan to be a good person.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it.
Zanne Booker 5-23-09
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Is A New Breed Of Voter On The Horizon?
Note: When our “elected officials” are listening halfway they are hard of hearing. We are going to have to speak up!
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5/21/09
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Foiled Release Of Afghanistan Photographs Gives Mixed Signals To Obama's Enraged Left Supporters cannot share the glory and not the blame.
Note: The truth is the matter who delivers it!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-19-09
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Colin Powell Is No Longer A Republican...Get Over It!
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And tonight in "Your America," well, apparently endorsing Barack Obama was not enough for the former secretary of state, Colin Powell. Now he is on the offensive against Republicans. No general ever went into battle half committed to the fray...and let's face it...THIS IS WAR! Just what is his mission? After all, no one ever goes into combat without a battle plan. Whatever his purpose, I am relieved that he has shown his colors and we can add one more to the confirmed list... whether it be ally or foe. That’s what bugged me about Arlen Specter. Alas, his flip-flop-flip has given him no more “flop options”. You know…Democrat-to-Republican-to-Democrat in one lifetime is pretty much the max. Now, back to the General. He was on my short list for a Presidential candidate, at one time. Condoleezza Rice and Herman Cain were my other two (of the top three). General Powell will always be remembered as one who gave us comfort and confidence in a time of confusion and chaos. Unfortunately now, he is giving us confusion and chaos in a time when we need comfort and confidence. General Powell, you are drawing a line in the sand which cannot be erased. Don’t think you can emulate Specter’s Spectrum. It leaves your credibility in question and I’m quite sure your view in the mirror distorted.
Note: You are for us until you are against us!
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 05-13-09
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Obama's Quest For Entitlement Over Work Ethic May Just Create A New Type Of Slavery!
Note: Is Washington out of touch with reality...or are they all turning into sociopaths?
Sociopath: A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-13-09
Friday, May 8, 2009
Relay For Life...Cancer Does Not Discriminate.
Note: Cancer does not have a political affiliation.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it.
Zanne Booker 5-08-09
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Obama's Empathy Judge Could Have Lady Liberty Wiping Her Tears With Her Removed Blind-Fold
Note: When JUSTICE is "for sale"...the LADY has no use for a scale.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 5-07-09
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Specter's Spectrum
Note: When the odds seem stacked against you…go around the stack.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 4-28-09
Monday, April 27, 2009
Don't Allow The Tea Parties To Return To The Back Burner!
The following are the website for congressional delegates:
To write your U.S. Representative
To write your U.S. Senator
Note: When dealing with Congress…Don’t let one note be all she wrote!
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 4-27-09
Friday, April 24, 2009
With Regard To Interrogation Techniques...Pelosi Can't Take Credit And Not Take Blame
Note: There is only one way to win a war...decisively.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 04-24-09
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Our Second Amendment Right...The Right To Bear Arms!
Note: Gun control is in the eye of the beholder…and I’m beholding to no one.
May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 4-14-09