Happy New Year, America! I know it is hard for many of us to feel like anything we do is "really going to matter" with regard to the state of our nation. Well, if you are one of those people...let me tell you one simple (yet empowering) thing you can do, and should do, daily. Pray! Yes, pray for our nation. Not one of those quickies, but rather one of those down on your knees in all humility types. Bible: The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). So maybe you are not a righteous individual, but you are spiritually inclined. Pray! Maybe you are not as eloquent as you think you should be to get your message across. Just remember...God does not critique your delivery, but He does scrutinize your heart. Sometimes we think God is not listening when really...we are not talking.
Note: We need to do everything within our power to help our country remain free.
May God bless America...and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 1-01-10