Thursday, July 30, 2009

Illegal Workers' Health Care Could Force Your Grandma's Early "Check-Out"...AKA Death

Congressional leaders are teetering on the brink of absurdity. Here we are in the midst of the biggest economic crisis America has ever faced and now they are presenting a disjointed piece of health care legislation which is juggling protection for the very lives of our own U.S. citizens to accommodate Illegal Aliens who haven’t paid a dime into the tax system and…ARE HERE ILLEGALLY! Supposedly, the workers who are undocumented wouldn’t be “technically” covered (Nancy Pelosi stated in a recent interview) but there is nothing like the challenge of a good technicality (loophole) for our more liberal minded representatives…and I use the term “representatives” loosely. FOXNEWS: But the reality, immigration analysts say, is that the legislation is missing any mechanism to keep them out of the system. And if they exploit that loophole, taxpayers could be on the hook for billions to cover health care costs that employers don't. Early figures from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) have Illegals accounting for $10.7 billion in federal and state health care expenditures which is derived largely from emergency room visits (which includes births). An estimated 7.25 million Illegal immigrants do not have health care insurance. They don’t pay taxes and they don’t spring for health care. Meanwhile, back in reality land, we have elderly individuals who worked hard and paid taxes all their lives and they are fearfully facing the possibility of mandatory classes (at age 65) which deal with “Death Options” and Euthanasia. The reason so many Illegals are uninsured, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, is because they are less likely to be offered health insurance by their employers. I guess this is where I am suppose to get misty eyed. What employer in his/her right mind is going to start inquiring into health care benefits for their illegal employees? Remember…they are not supposed to employ Illegal Aliens. They do serve a purpose though…President Obama loves to include them in his statistical count of uninsured individuals living in America. I’m having a real hard time with welcoming Illegals to “check-in” to our health care fold while asking Grandma to “check-out”!

Note: There is nothing more disgraceful as the indifference of the ungrateful.

May God bless America…and may America deserve it!
Zanne Booker 7-30-09