Thursday, June 11, 2009

Part II Of Letterman's Apology...Ahem...To The Palins

It was an interesting apology, Mr. Letterman. How did you sleep last night? I'm sure it was a little tougher for Sarah Palin's teenage daughter...the one we now realize was the "real" target for your joke. Great job! Now, you have made two Palin daughters cry. Even if a teenager gets pregnant...and is now should not make her "fair game" and give anyone (especially a grown man who just happens to be a talk show host for CBS) the right to declare "open season" on her emotions. Have you heard of postpartum depression? You don't have the right to deny her a fresh start with her one does. She made a mistake in judgement just like millions of teenagers in America...and you. Certainly, she doesn't need an extended reputation that links her to being the brunt of comedians' jokes because they lack the wit to come up with humorous material. ASIDE: Even if you had a writer you made the call to use it. When you are ready to truly apologize then I have a website for you to peruse below. Sometimes people choose to stand their ground and discover too late that it is shakey.

LISAB wrote: I regret my comments were offensive to you. Is that an apology? No! If you screw up, say, "I screwed up." Explain that there was no malicious intent -- and mean it! Everyone screws up; no one is expected to be perfect.

Note: Not one person would want to be defined by the dumbest decision they ever made in their life, but rather by the potential they possess to make hundreds of wise ones.

Reiteration: Sometimes people choose to stand their ground and discover too late that it is shakey.

May God bless America...and may America deserve it!

Zanne Booker 06-11-09