Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Witnessing Voter Fraud... First Hand

This week I witnessed voter fraud. It was both shocking and embarrassing. The coconspirators whispered to each other and voted, not once more, but multiple times. I knew that I would have to report them even though I did not know what the consequences would be for the two culprits.
They were young and products of the environment that has been created by Americans today. The sad part, about the whole incident, was that they were in the nineth grade; the only thing they were voting on was whether or not to have a quiz on one day or the other. Yes, their deed was discovered (because of my disclosure) and the voting was terminated. It was hard to tell if they were remorseful because the teacher, in her wisdom, transitioned quickly and gave the quiz on that very day. I can not help but feel that this is only the beginning of casual cheating, especially since it has been validated as inconsequential and given little concern, by the masses, of legal ramifications. Fraudulent ACORN employees should be prosecuted and labeled as felons. Those who commit the act of registering multiple times should not get off free and clear either. If we don't think voter fraud has influence on the outcome of anything maybe we should look again. A greater loss is at stake...the integrity of our nation.

Zanne Booker 10-30-08

Note: Remember America, the whole world looks to us as an example. This election has been an embarrassing one for all races.